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Guns Galore

Guns Galore is a 3D FPS game that we're working on right now. Currently, it's still in the development stage.

General Information

Guns Galore is a 3D FPS game developed using the C# Unity Game Engine. Currently, Guns Galore is in its testing and development stage. This game can only be played on PC and currently supports Windows 10 and 11.


This game was solely and completely designed by our founder, Vignesh (


Thanks to DevAssets for some of the base environment, as well as the gun model. Both of these have been reskinned (to some extent) and modified to better suit Guns Galore's fast paced FPS style.

Central Area
Central Area 2
Center Area Fire
General Map (Birds Eye 1)
General Map (Birds Eye 2)

Developer's Update Log (Chronological)

December 23rd, 2022 - This project has officially started today. I created the Unity project and organized the Unity workspace. I also planned ideas on what the game should and should not include.


January 1st, 2023 - I've completed in reskinning and modifying some environment based assets that I imported from DevAssets. The environment looks pretty good. My next major goal is to focus on bullet particle effects and the bullet mechanics / physics. Other than the graphical designing, this is going to be one of the most time intensive tasks.


January 15th, 2023 - I've created basic bullet particle effects. Although the effects look less graphically intensive when compared to the rest of what I've done, they're a good placeholder for now.


January 23rd, 2023 - I've officially created a webpage for Guns Galore on this website (Game4Fame). The webpage serves to not only be a teaser for the game's upcoming release, but also as a place where I can update my progress through this update log.


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